Thursday, June 20, 2013

Is it Halloween Yet?

Tomorrow is the first day of summer. As a child I remember this being such a fun day, staying outside playing late into the night because it never got dark! Now, I'm looking at weather in the 109-113 range. To say I long for autumn weather is an understatement.
I do believe that we create our own environment, regardless of the surroundings. Therefore, I am posting the first pumpkin of the year:
Pumpkin Display  Wallpaper - Horse wagon with Pumpkins and Hay  1024*768
Ah, doesn't that just put you in  the mood. Should I start burning my pumpkin scented candles and bring out the decorations. After all, why can't we celebrate Halloween all year long?
So while I long for this:

I live in this:

I will make the most of it, looking forward to our monsoon season bringing some welcome rain fall. And look forward to the first signs of the weather changing. It's not too long to wait, no?

Happy summer everyone. I hope you find your paradise exactly where you are.

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