One of the greatest things to do during the Fall season is to visit an apple/pumpkin farm and enjoy all the activities they have to offer. On our list is the annual visit to
Apple Annie's in Tucson. Sometimes we don't have the cool weather associated with those outings, it is still enjoyable, and the atmosphere really gets you in the mood for a wonderful fall season.
One of the best things about these visits is the corn maze. I know this takes months of planning on paper before the actual design is approved and actually cut into the corn fields. This year Apple Annie's corn maze looks like this

with several levels of expertise, so the whole family can enjoy. This is cut out of 15 acres of corn. Big! Yes, but not the biggest. The largest cut corn maze in the country is
Richardson's Farm Experience in Illinois. This beautiful farm has 33 acres with 4 separate mazes for you to "Come on out and get lost!"

And lost you could get. Remember, most of these mazes close at midnight, so there's a lot a dark wandering.
Enjoy yourself. Take your time to wander and eat a carmel apple-fresh from the farm. Have some cider, listen to the music. Enjoy a day with your family. These memories are so precious, I guarantee you will not be sorry. And the fun part, most of the farms have free postcards of the mazes, so if you're a swapper, you're set for another year.
Get out there- and be a-mazed!
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