Monday, January 9, 2012

A Culinary Journey

I have finished my sister's calendar of fun days for 2012. I hope she enjoys it. I always have fun putting this thing together. I may have gone a little above board on this one-it's 3 inches thick. I was going to take snaps of it, but I just needed to get it in the mail, seeing as how I am already into the New Year.
So, for next year (yes always planning ahead) I am planning a sort of calendar/recipe book. But feauring not only fun food holidays and celebrations, but also food in literature (we are both English majors; I love children's lit and she, well everything else). The inspiration comes from a short blip I found for Laura Ingalls Wilder Day and I found a recipe for lemonade that Mrs. Olsen was making for the girls. In doing just a teeny amount of research, I have already found some wonderful blogs that I will share with you also. I may have to practive and lay it all out here to get organized, although I do love a good calendar to do my jottings in. (yesm I know, preposition at the end of a sentence)
Please join me at this fun Tasty Days blog. And I found this one also with literary references This will be a lot of fun this year.
And maybe this is my year to get an updated blogface. I still hate this!

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