Thursday, October 18, 2012

Baseball Is Over-For Some!

Yes, I love Cody Ross. Always and forever. Although he is playing on my least favorite team, I cannot but say to myself that he needs a job, too. I forgive him. How could I not?
Boston uniform

I haven't written about Cody in a while because I am knee deep in the SF Giants post season activity. Watching the Giants, however, reminds me of the little skip Cody does after hitting a home run, and that makes me smile. I need to smile after tonite's game!
I wish Cody well. I hope he enjoys the off season and I look forward to seeing him in the Spring. If anyone wishes to become a Cody Ross fan, please enjoy his website Cody Ross. I hope it updates more during the break. Reading about the 2012 season is good too.

Figuring it Out

This is what I've figured out so far: I like candy, I mean really like candy. And I don't know if I will give it up. I may at some time in my life. For now, I'm goog knowing that if it's there, I can have it. That being said, I am not going around swallowing Halloween candy by the bagful, albeit tempting. This is the interesting part. When I eat food high in fat and sodium, I crave sugar. Example, a lunch of a spicy chicken sandwich, fried zucchini with ranch dressing and a diet soda (I know, right?) makes me crave sugar about an hour after the meal. Every time. I also know, for myself, that diet soda makes me crave something salty. My substitute for that is iced tea.
I find it fascinating that I can read my body and it's cravings. I am beginning to see the effects of certain foods. At the same time, I am seeing that foods that I eat are not really my favorites. I go to lunch now, not just choosing the closest fast food restaurant (and I use that term loosely) but I think first and ask myself what I feel like eating. What does my body need right now.
It is a start kids and I am new at this. It's a learning process. It's not a diet out of a book or magazine, although I still read all of them. It's what is working for me.
And I'm good with that.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Change One

I've read that to lose weight you should eat like a thin person. Sounds reasonable. I know several people from work who are thin and decided to study them, while they weren't watching, of course. The results weren't that surprising. This is a very thin woman who rarely eats. Her diet consists mainly of cigarettes and coffee. Her breath is horrendous, but she's thin! If that is my ultimate goal, I thought to myself, then all I have to do is develop a taste for coffee and cigarettes, of which I like neither. Second person, again with the coffee, but she breaks it up with chips mid-day. Then back to the coffee-lunch is one of those coffee creations that you spend half a paycheck for. Don't have the money for that, and still not a coffee fan. But she's thin! Third person, and I'm beginning to wonder if thin is truly my goal, eats one meal a day, which consists of a gigantic sandwich loaded with everything. He is very thin and I asked him why he only eats the one meal. It turns out his hours at work are so that he goes to bed very early because he is up at 3 am to get to work the next day. He really doesn't have time to eat more than that. No coffee, though, thank goodness. I think all that caffeine has a huge affect on their bodies. My sister also drinks a million cups of coffee every day. She eats, well, she orders a lot of food. Then she picks at everything. Also, she never eats fruit. But she's thin!
To lose weight, you should eat like a thin person. I'll stay the way I am for now until I figure out what is best for me. I can be thin, at what expense? Or I can 'shop' around some more until I'm comfortable with a lifestyle change that will work for me, not one that I have to struggle with. Thin at any cost? Not for me. Alive and healthy is now my goal.

Friday, October 12, 2012

When you think haunted house, do you imagine skeletons hanging from windows? Is it more paranormal? Is it dark and spooky? What constitutes haunted? I like to think haunted is an old victorian with so many nooks and crannies in the house that can house all sorts of spooky and ghostly. I know women who have spirits or ghosts in their homes. Mostly, they are mischievious, moving things or stacking. One woman's ghost has a thing for the firewood in the fireplace. Well, it can't be there. So every day while she is at work, the firewood gets neatly stacked in the middle of the room. You gotta ask-did something happen in the fireplace? Or, is the spirit used to a much larger, walk-in type fireplace. I'm sure my friend isn't that accomodating that she will light her living room on fire. But fun, nevertheless. I myself feel presences. Something walking behind me, sometimes lightly touching my shoulder. It's a real touch, but never anyone around to see. I don't get afraid when these things happen. I'm sure some form of communication is happening and in time I will figure out exactly what it is. I know things get moved, not obviously, but it happens. Maybe, not moved, like from one side to another, but in a different order than what I had. I don't really want to know why these things happen. I enjoy knowing that something likes being around me. Maybe I'm a comfort to a spirit. So, I say, enjoy the company. And leave a chair empty for them-crafting is fun for everyone.

A Little Crafty

Deadlines are sometimes ominous, but I've never missed one. I feel like I thrive during a deadline crunch whethelr it was in school, at work or swap deadlines. I feel my work is better during this time; my creativity
flows. In either case, here are more examples of ATC's I've completed recently.

ATC Fortune Teller. Background is paper I picked up at a second hand store.
The fortune teller image is from google and clip art. I shrunk the Fortune Teller sign,
added glitter. The cards were from another image I enlarged for perspective.
The chain on the side is a sticker I cut to fit.

Two Halloween ATC's using clip art, ribbon embellishments, buttons and
brads. I like the old time quality look of them.

Three Halloween altered rolo's. I love doing these! Pumpkin wings. Clip art kitty
with orange collar and key-the background is an antique Halloween party invite
and tickets attached with orange paperclip. The last one is pumpkin garden theme with moon and
antique 'BOO' letters.

Wolves of the world series. This is an Arabian wolf with desert background
and Arabian wolf stamp clip art.

I'm finishing the last of the Halloween swaps. Sad, I love this time of year. I will continue doing Halloween rolo's to get ahead for next year.
Happy Trick or Treating kids.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Spooky Little Village

Ah, yes, I read a lot of blogs. As Stephen King says, you cannot write unless you take the time to read. And I do. This time 36th Avenue has a wonderful tutorial for making this fabulous, and I do mean that, spooky village.
I love this, simple, yet looks expensive but it's not! Try this out for yourself. And go ahead and take a peek at her blog. There is some wonderful stuff there.

Ghouls in the Night

Super cute these little ghouls. And very inexpensive to make.
These are white tissue paper bells, the kind you use for wedding decorations. I know they can be purchased in many stores, but the DOllar Store has these 2/pack for, you guessed it, $1. Black construction paper or scrapbook paper does the faces and a little cheesecloth (available at the 99 cent store) draped over the bells give a great spooky effect.
How cute is that? Wait, how cheap is that for something that cute?
Happy Halloween.

Inspiration in a Hurry

My husband, last weekend, asked me if  I would like to go to San Diego for our 25th anniversary and see the (most spectacular team ever) San Francisco Giants play the Padres. After a moment's hesitation, I said yes but knew I had a deadline on a swap that was due to be mailed by Sunday. I knew if I was going to go I'd have to finish Friday night and get it m, mailed. This was a serious Edgar Allan Poe project I took on and didn't want to do a half-ass job. So here it is. Dealine met, package mailed, and me on my way to San Diego for the weekend.

It was a terrific project and I am inspired to do more books like this, different themes. Easy, just need to get moving and do it. It's funny about inspiration, once you get moving, it is like the muse takes over and there is no stopping. If you do stop to think, the thought is daunting, that you will never finish. Stay with it and let it go. Put on some great music, something that comes to you naturally or a great movie that (mine is Twister, the music is fab and the sound effects are great to listen to). Be creative and keep working on doing something you'll be proud of.